Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Learn How Separation of Powers Balances the Government

Learn How Separation of Powers Balances the Government The term separation of powers originated with the Baron de Montesquieu, a writer from the 18th-century French enlightenment. However, the actual separation of powers amongst different branches of government can be traced to ancient Greece. The framers of the United States Constitution decided to base the American governmental system on this idea of three separate branches: executive, judicial, and legislative. The three branches are distinct and have checks and balances on each other. In this way, no one branch can gain absolute power or abuse the power they are given. In the United States, the executive branch is headed by the President and includes the bureaucracy. The legislative branch includes both houses of Congress: the Senate and the House of Representatives. The judicial branch consists of the Supreme Court and the lower federal courts. The Fears of the Framers One of the framers of the U.S. Constitution, Alexander Hamilton was the first American to write of the balances and checks that can be said to characterize the American system of separation of powers. It was James Madisons scheme that differentiated between the executive and legislative branches. By having the legislature divided into two chambers, Madison argued that they would harness political competition into a system that would organize, check, balance, and diffuse power. The framers endowed each branch with distinct dispositional, political, and institutional characteristics, and made them each answerable to different constituencies. The biggest fear of the framers was that the government would be overwhelmed by an imperious, domineering national legislature. The separation of the powers, thought the framers, was a system that would be a machine that would go of itself, and keep that from happening. Challenges to the Separation of Powers Oddly, the framers were wrong from the outset: the separation of powers has not led to a smoothly working government of the branches that compete with one another for power, but rather political alliances across the branches are confined to party lines that hinder the machine from running. Madison saw the president, courts, and Senate as bodies who would work together and fend off power grabs from the other branches. Instead, the division of the citizens, the courts, and the legislative bodies into political parties have pushed those parties in the U.S. government into a perpetual struggle to aggrandize their own power in all three branches. One great challenge to the separation of powers was under Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who as part of the New Deal created administrative agencies to lead his various plans for recovery from the Great Depression. Under Roosevelts own control, the agencies wrote rules and effectively created their own court cases. That enabled the agency heads to select optimal enforcement to establish agency policy, and since they were created by the executive branch, that in turn greatly enhanced the power of the presidency. The checks and balances can be preserved, if people pay attention, by the rise and maintenance of a politically insulated civil service, and constraints by Congress and the Supreme Court on agency leaders. Sources Levinson DJ, and Pildes RH. 2006. Separation of Parties, Not Powers. Harvard Law Review 119(8):2311-2386.Michaels JD. 2015. An Enduring, Evolving Separation of Powers. Columbia Law Review 115(3):515-597.Nourse V. 1999. The Vertical Separation of Powers. Duke Law Journal 49(3):749-802.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Qué es el formulario de ESTA para viajar sin visa a USA

Quà © es el formulario de ESTA para viajar sin visa a USA El formulario de ESTA para viajar a Estados Unidos sin visa es una autorizacià ³n que deben solicitar los turistas o las personas de negocio de ciertos paà ­ses para ingresar al paà ­s por avià ³n o por barco de transporte. No es posible utilizar la ESTA si se llega en una embarcacià ³n o en avià ³n privado o de aerolà ­neas no autorizadas por el gobierno de Estados Unidos. En la actualidad de entre todos los paà ­ses en los que se habla espaà ±ol sà ³lo los espaà ±oles y chilenos pueden entrar en Estados Unidos sin visado. Aunque el gobierno de Washington est en conversaciones con algunos gobiernos latinoamericanos para extender este privilegio a argentinos, brasileà ±os y uruguayos. Quià ©nes pueden solicitar el formulario de ESTA para viajar sin visa Las personas que tengan un pasaporte de uno de los paà ­ses del Programa de Exencià ³n de Visas y que desean viajar a Estados Unidos como turistas o personas de negocios. Sin embargo, si se ha viajado a Irn, Iraq, Yemen, Siria, Libia o Somalia despuà ©s del 1 de marzo de 2011, no se puede solicitar la ESTA. Es necesario pedir una visa de turista. Si se solicita la ESTA y se obtiene, destacar que la estancia siempre debe ser por 90 dà ­as o menos. No se puede ampliar de ninguna manera sin salir del paà ­s. Las personas con visa de turista B1/B2 vigente pueden seguir utilizndola. Tambià ©n necesitan este tipo de visado los extranjeros que viajan a Estados Unidos en aviones privados. Por à ºltimo, entender que los extranjeros que residen legalmente en un paà ­s del Programa de Exencià ³n de Visas no pueden beneficiarse de este privilegio. Por ejemplo, en Espaà ±a vive un nà ºmero considerable de latinoamericanos. Ellos necesitan visa para viajar a Estados Unidos, a menos que se hayan naturalizado espaà ±oles y tenga, por lo tanto, pasaporte espaà ±ol. Cà ³mo se solicita la ESTA para viajar a USA El formulario de ESTA se solicita por internet en una direccià ³n oficial del gobierno americano. Es necesario tener a mano el pasaporte (sin expirar) y una tarjeta de crà ©dito VISA, MasterCard, Discover o American Expres. En los dos primeros casos tambià ©n se admiten las tarjetas de dà ©bito.Tambià ©n hay que tener una direccià ³n de correo electrà ³nica. Si no se tiene, crear una antes de iniciar la solicitud.La aplicacià ³n es sencilla y requiere, como media, unos quince minutos en completarse. Hay que pagar una tasa por la gestià ³n de cuatro dà ³lares americanos. Y si la solicitud es aprobada se cargarn otros 10 dà ³lares. Adems, es posible que la tarjeta de crà ©dito cobre una tasa por la gestià ³n.Antes de hacer el pago verificar que todos los datos son correctos. Ya que si se han cometido errores en cosas como la fecha en la que el pasaporte fue emitido o en la que expira y se detectan despuà ©s del pago ser necesario volver a comentar la aplicacià ³n del pri ncipio y habr que pagar de nuevo.La respuesta se sabe prcticamente al momento. Se recomienda imprimirla y anotar el nà ºmero de caso. Finalizar posteriormente la aplicacià ³n o hacer cambios no esenciales Es posible hacer cambios posteriores, por ejemplo, para completar el nombre de la aerolà ­nea, la ciudad desde la que se viaja o la direccià ³n en la que se va a estar en Estados Unidos, el nà ºmero de telà ©fono o la direccià ³n de correo electrà ³nico. En estos casos basta con introducir el nà ºmero de la aplicacià ³n o datos como el nà ºmero de pasaporte, nombre completo y paà ­s que ha emitido el pasaporte. Cul es la validez de la ESTA La autorizacià ³n para viajar es vlida por dos aà ±os o hasta la fecha de expiracià ³n del pasaporte, cualquiera que se produzca antes. Adems, es necesario aplicar por una ESTA nueva, aà ºn cuando su fecha està © vigente si han cambiado las circunstancias y la respuesta a alguna de las preguntas con opcià ³n de sà ­ o no del formulario ha cambiado. Por ejemplo, si se contestà ³ a una de ellas no y ahora la respuesta correcta es sà ­. (Sà ³lo a ese tipo de preguntas).   Si el formulario de ESTA expira mientras se est presente legalmente en Estados Unidos no es necesario aplicar por otra. Todo est bien. Quà © pasa con el I-94 Sà ³lo se llena el I-94W si se ingresa a EEUU por una frontera terrestre. El control de quien entra y quià ©n sale por aeropuertos y puertos se hace digitalmente. Ya no es necesario llenar el papelito con el que seguro estn familiarizados las personas que han viajado con anterioridad a Estados Unidos. Quà © pasa si la solicitud de la ESTA es denegada Aunque en la mayorà ­a de los casos la ESTA se concede, cuando esto no es asà ­ no es posible saber la razà ³n exacta de la denegacià ³n. Y esto es lo que hay que hacer si no se obtiene la autorizacià ³n electrà ³nica para viajar. Es fundamental no caer en la terrible tentacià ³n de solicitar una nueva autorizacià ³n para viajar cuando la primera es denegada y mentir para intentar conseguir asà ­ la ESTA. Lo ms probable es que el sistema informtico detecte el intento o, si no lo hace, que sà ­ se descubra cuando se llega a la Aduana americana y se tiene que pasar por el examen de un oficial de inmigracià ³n. Cuando un extranjero solicita de nuevo la ESTA y le agarran en una mentira  se puede convertir  en inelegible para entrar a Estados Unidos. Y lo ms probable es que nunca consiga viajar al paà ­s. Adems, es posible que aà ºn teniendo la ESTA la aerolà ­nea prohà ­ba embarcar.   A tener en cuenta Tener la ESTA no significa que se asegure poder entrar a Estados Unidos. La à ºltima palabra la tiene siempre el oficial de Inmigracià ³n en la Aduana. Para asegurarte de que conoces todo lo fundamental sobre la ESTA y sobre la estadà ­a en Estados Unidos cuando se tiene ese documento toma este test de respuestas mà ºltiples. Si sabes todas las respuestas seguro que te evitars problemas. Listado de paà ­ses y casos de doble nacionalidad Segà ºn las leyes de los Estados Unidos  ciudadanos de estos paà ­ses pueden viajar sin visa, sà ³lo con la ESTA. En el caso de doble nacionalidad es importante entender que si la visa se negà ³ con un pasaporte no es posible utilizar el otro para ingresar solo con la ESTA. Por ejemplo, un venezolano que solicità ³ la visa americana con ese pasaporte y su peticià ³n fue negada no puede utilizar el pasaporte portuguà ©s que tiene por ser hijo de portugueses para ingresar sin visa a los Estados Unidos. No se puede legalmente y adems hay que tener muy claro que esta trampa que se pretende hacer es fcil de descubrir ya que cuando se pidià ³ la visa se tomaron las huellas digitales y cuando se pretende ingresar a Estados Unidos, tambià ©n, y el sistema TEC hace una comparativa y el oficial migratorio identifica al ciudadano portuguà ©s como el venezolano al que se denegà ³ la visa.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

What are the Similarities and Differences Between a Racial Group and Essay

What are the Similarities and Differences Between a Racial Group and an Ethnic Group - Essay Example The only conspicuous differences that appear to the naked eye are due to the differences between males and females. Broadly speaking, the entire animal kingdom is very homogenous. Biologists who refute the claim that races are based on morphological features claim that the assumption that human races are based on anatomical traits is false. They claim that anatomical traits do not cluster distinct groups of people. It is further explained that some human races appear the way they do because of the natural environment surrounding them. for instance, in areas near the tropical latitudes, there are people with darker skin color to protect them from sun’s harmful ultraviolet radiation. Thus, the dark brown skin color is primarily found amongst the Africans and the Indian subcontinent. However, the popularly held belief is otherwise. As it, goes-Racial groups are thus based on the biological classification of people. This classification could be according to human features, skin co lor or other morphological features. One is automatically classified by virtue of external forces into a racial group. One does not have any control over the racial group that becomes one’s identity. Racial groupings and concept of race have been a very controversial topic because of its ability to influence the social hierarchy of the society. Ethnicity on the other hand also incorporates the social characteristics of an individual within the society that he lives in. Some of the social characteristics that are a premise of ethnic classification include one’s language, culture, religion, tradition, tribe, and nationality. The race is externally assigned by the people around us. However, ethnicity is not externally assigned to other people. Ethnicity is the onus of an individual; however, he wants to go about it. It is apparently a conglomeration of humans who have similar cultural characters and follow the same religious faith.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The 2002 failure of Enron corporation and Arthur Anderson Co, their Essay

The 2002 failure of Enron corporation and Arthur Anderson Co, their auditors - Essay Example This study discusses what happened with Enron, defines the problems that plague the high profile corporation, present solutions and alternatives, as well as give a sweeping opinion on how the problems could have been solved or avoided in the first place from this researcher's perspective alone.Enron Corporation was an American energy company and considered as one of the world's leading electricity, natural gas, pulp and paper, and communications group of companies. It claimed $111 billion revenues in 2000 and Fortune magazine accorded it "America's Most Innovative Company" for six consecutive years, employing around 21,000 people. Enron started out as Northern Natural Gas Company in the early 1930s at Omaha, Nebraska. It became an organized holding company Internorth in 1980s, and then it purchased Houston Natural Gas in 1985 of which Kenneth Lay became the chief executive officer. The merged company was named Enron and was involved in transmission and distribution of electricity and gas throughout the United States. It also engaged in the development, construction and operation of power plants, pipelines, and other infrastructure worldwide. It later market and promoted communication bandwidth commodities and other "derivatives" and grew in opulence behind inflated, fraudulent and non-existent financial reports. Enron declared bankruptcy in late 2001. By 1995 accountants at Arthur Andersen knew Enron was a high-risk client who pushed them to do things they were not comfortable doing. Critics have identified the complicated management approach as one of the culprits that caused Enron's collapse. Initially, the company performed extensive diversification to expand its product and service lines. Because of the strategy, the company experienced robust growth and gained reputation as a multi-dimensional firm. In addition, the firm continued to evolve its business model. Considering the unpredictable circumstances and calculated risks, Enron was successful on paper. This was reflected in the financial reports suggesting the extent of growth in the financial capability of the company. Specifically, the level of stocks reported by the company has skyrocketed. The information provided by the Enron 10-K annual report suggests that it was only in 1997 that the company experienced a decline. According to James Hecker, one of the investors of Enron, Andersen had knowledge on the nature of Enron's operations. The company even branded Enron as a high risked firm that is willing to do all means required to achieve its goals. Moreover, Hecker described the relationship of the Andersen employees to Enron. In the exact words, Hecker said: "Managers in the doorway, thinking out of the box. And I was thinking to myself, I'll bust by butt and then I'll bust my rocks (Schepp, 2002)." This satire showed how generously the employees of Andersen working for Enron were compensated and provided with great incentives. Moreover, Hecker described Enron as a lovely face and a fragile place. Basically, Hecker has knowledge on the true status of the company. Hecker even mentioned in the satire that the managers will soon bring their alibis to court. Precisely, Hecker highlighted the events that will happen years later

Saturday, November 16, 2019

International risk management Essay Example for Free

International risk management Essay A Letter of Credit is a document issued by a bank at the request of its customer promising to pay the exporter for the goods and services provided that the exporter provides all the documents as stated in the terms and conditions. To the exporter a letter of credit guarantees payment and reduces production risk if the buyer has a change of his order. It ensures that buyers cannot refuse to pay due to complain raised over the goods. It also provides a chance to get financing incase of delayed payment. The importer can structure their payment plan, it helps confirm the shipment of the goods, helps them reduce pre-payment, it as well ensures that the exporter delivers exactly what the importer required it also creates confidence for bigger transactions in future. A bill of exchange is a document that acts as the evidence of a debt and informs the importer to pay the exporter a certain fixed sum of money at a certain specific time. They act as a guarantee that goods of certain stated specifications have been shipped and that and that that require payment. The Export-Import Bank of United States of America helps in financing sales of goods and services by proving guarantee of working capital loans, it helps crate jobs through export of goods, the bank guarantees the repayment of loans to foreign purchasers, it also provides credit insurance for U. S. exporters against. The disadvantage of the Export-Import Bank is that for it to support the products at least 50 percent of them must be from U. S and they should not have any negative effect to the economy. It also does not offer help to importers outside U. S. In conclusion, the letter of credit, the bill of exchange and the Export-Import Bank are very important for the import-Export business to prosper not only in U. S but also any where in the world.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Mad Cow Disease is Not a Large Cause for Fear :: CJD MCD BSE Prion Diseases Bovine Spongiform

Mad Cow Disease: A Cause for Fear? Abstract: Mad Cow Disease, a disorder well known and well feared, is not as deadly as most people believe it to be. In fact, most people know little of this disease and what little they know usually turn out to be false facts. MCD is a prion-based disease where an infected protein converts healthy proteins into the infectious state. There is no cure and the disease is fatal but to this year, there have been little over 150 cases of the human version of the disease, variant Creutzfeldt - Jakob disease, world-wide. Thus, MCD does not deserve the fear and attention that it commands. Although the name, Mad Cow Disease is instantly recognizable by everyone today, few people know it for what it actually is. However, no matter how little they know about this disease, everybody acknowledges the deadly capabilities it possesses. Personally, I find it interesting and feel it only natural that, as humans, we fear what we do not entirely understand simply because we know what will happen. It is only natural that we feel threatened at the first sign of danger. Thus, it is important to inform others about Mad Cow Disease so that they will at least know what they fear. Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, commonly known as Mad Cow Disease, first appeared around 1985 in Great Britain as a result of the special animal feed that consisted of ground up sheep fed to the cattle. Between the years 1992 and 1995, a major BSE outbreak occurred in Great Britain, which caused the country's beef industry to suffer. Since 2003, the United States have only had three reported incidents of mad cow disease in humans[8]. A prion is a disease-carrying agent that is composed entirely of proteins. It is the cause of numerous diseases in mammals, all of which target the brain specifically. Also note that all prion-based disorders are fatal and that there are currently no known cures for any of them. All known prions induce the formation of an amyloid fold, in which the protein polymerizes into an aggregate consisting of tightly packed beta sheets[3]; thus, converting into its infectious state. BSE is a prion-based disease where the infectious protein causes other prion proteins in the brain to misfold and change into the infectious state. This process continues until it forms protein aggregates, which are large clumps of mis-folded proteins which in turn form plaque, giving the appearance of â€Å"holes† in the brain. Cows with this disease show signs including changes in mental state and abnormalities in posture, movement and sensation[4].

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

English 101 Argumentation Essay

The new smoke- free policy at Suny Orange has many students outraged. Student smokers are being shunned for their addiction and are now forced to walk to the parking lot during class breaks for their fix. Our society is out casting them, even though it’s still legal, available, and enjoyable for many. However, smoking on campus presents several problems to consider. Smoking is contagious. It spreads like wild fire from one person to the next. Students may find themselves being peer pressured to smoke because it’s ‘’the cool thing to do’’, or ‘’everyone is doing it’’.Especially since our economy is in a recession, many people are stressed out, and vulnerable. A group of people smoking around a non-smoker creates a bad environment for the non- smoker, and they may be influenced into smoking. It’s no mystery that cigarettes are extremely addictive. If a student caves to peer pressure just once, they could become a slave to the habit for the rest of their life. When I left my English 101 class the other day, I witnessed a 9 year old boy skateboarding up to a student who was smoking and the boy asked him if he could have a ‘’cigg’’.The student found him amusing and told him he shouldn’t be smoking but, not before handing him a cigarette. With the ban of smoking on campus, it will greatly reduce these situations from happening. Smokers tend to litter. Seeing a smoker flick a cigarette butt on the floor is an image that is all too familiar. With the amount of people who smoke today, it’s simply bound to cause a mess. A college setting shouldn’t be burdened with a dirty landscape. It’s very uncomfortable to walk to class surrounded by garbage. Also, the littering harms our environment.Birds, fish, flowers, and many critters are at risk. The cigarette butt still contains all the harmful chemicals that are toxic. They aren’t biodegradab le so they will build up very rapidly and animals may confuse them for food. In addition, each discarded cigarette butt possesses a potential fire. If a fire where to occur many people’s lives would be put into danger because of the overcrowding O. C. C. C faces. The butt just needs to land somewhere with a little dry vegetation then; with a soft wind, it will burst into flames and spread from building to building.Unfortunately, smokers don’t seem to take this threat very seriously. The smoke cigarettes emit into the air. It’s practically impossible to walk between buildings without inhaling a lungful of cigarette smoke; especially when smokers light up just outside doorways and force everyone who wants to enter to walk right by them. All the smokers seem to completely disregard the fact that other people don’t want to be indulging in their bad habits. These smokers aren’t just polluting the air outside, but the air indoors as well.The second someo ne open the door all the smoke rushes into the building. It’s irritating to have to breathe in these harmful chemicals. It’s an instant headache when a classmate reeking of smoke sits next to me. It also doesn’t help with studying either. While leaving school yesterday I was immersed into a cloud of cigarette smoke and I couldn’t stop coughing, my eyes began tearing and I was extremely uncomfortable. Students are forced to face situations like this on a daily basis, and sadly many have become accustomed to it.I’m still trying to wrap my head around why so many students are against the new smoke-free policy. It’s not like they are being stripped of their ability to smoke their cancer causing tobacco. It’s just not worth it to have them diminishing the college’s appeal, while hurting themselves, other students, our environment, and potentially our school. Maybe in the future the college will assign designated smoking areas which don’t affect other smoke-free students but, in the meantime there will be no smoking on college grounds.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Confucianism in Korea Essay

Korea is located on the eastern tip of the Asian continent, in the small peninsula that faces the Pacific Ocean. This small country has lasted over four thousand years, withstanding its powerful neighbors and developed a unique culture of its own. One of its main unique features comes from the fact that it pursued Confucianism as its core ideology. Therefore, even though Confucianism started in China, the application of it can be traced also distinctly in Korea. The Dynasty of Joseon brought the principals of Confucianism, and indigenized it to fit its existing values. However, today Confucianism is not taught anymore, and the values of Confucianism are considered old and out of style. It has become of an old ideology that does not fit in with the values that the modern Koreans have today. Moreover, the development of Confucianism was the major constraint that limited Korea to grow and prosper in the Early Modern and Modern period. and gender equality. The ancient Chinese Warring States Era was one of the most chaotic periods in the history of China. It was the time when people of all classes were desperate for stability and peace. Because of this instability, they established something called the Hundred Schools, which were philosophers who came up with many ideas to unite the people from the time of confusion to a desirable human lifestyle and peaceful, stable state. These Sages, who were given â€Å"Zi† at the end of their names, went around the kingdoms, explaining to the ruler what they thought the best solution was for uniting China. The most prominent ideas were usually any of the three sects, Daoist, Confucianist or Legalist. Daoism was based on the ideas of Laozi and Zhuangzi, Confucianism on those of Confucius (Kongzi) and Mencius (Mengzi), and Legalism on those of Han Feizi. Confucianism was not adopted in Confucius’ life time. It developed later, during the Song Dynasty and was further advanced to Neo-Confucianism by Zhu Xi. Unlike the Chinese dynasties that fully committed their state ideology to Confucianism, the Koreans in the corresponding period, from 60BCE to 900CE, used Confucianism as part of their source of moral training and their social mandate for their officials. This period was called the Three Kingdom Period (GoGooRyeo, Shilla, and BaekJae). The educational form of Confucianism for princes and ruling class continued through the Goryeo Dynasty (900 CE-1300CE) for about four hundred years and finally became the national religion of Joseon Dynasty (1392CE-1910CE). The reason why Joseon chose Confucianism instead of Buddhism was that the elites that founded Joseon thought that Buddhism was the reason for the corruption and lack of morals between the nobles and the ruling class. The Joseon leaders sought Confucianism as a solution to their problems, and were attracted to Confucianism-oriented concepts that could complement the politics of the ideal state. The situation much resembled the period in 5th century BCE when Confucius and Mencius came up with their idea of ideal and peaceful world under the tyrant king and constant wars.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Gymnastics Market Profile

Gymnastics Market Profile Introduction One of the oldest participatory sports activities in the world is Gymnastics. The sport’s activities require physical strength, agility, flexibility, coordination balance and grace which enable performers to perform extraordinary moves. There are many gymnast sports but artistic arts are the best known of them all.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Gymnastics Market Profile specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Men and women gymnastic activities both involve vault and floor exercises. The rest of the activities are specialized including balance beams and uneven parallels for females and pommel horse and parallel bars for males. Besides artistic gymnastics, other sports under the wide gymnastics field include rhythmic gymnastics and trampoline. Like all sporting activities nowadays, gymnastics is a big business sports that involves many industries that are interconnected together. These sectors together develop gymnastic programs for sporting entertainment. In this paper, the market profile of gymnastics will be examines through an overview of the sport, current consumers, the demand for the sporting activity and the future prospects of the sport. Overview Gymnastics can trace its origins to the ancient Greek. The ancient Greeks performed a number of gymnastic exercises for fun and recreation. Individuals especially children and young adults were encouraged to perform athletic feats according to their own notion. The authorities then incorporated these feats into the curriculum of the Greek education system and gymnastics was performed besides art and music. After the ascension of the Roman Empire, gymnastics was used for military training and soldiers were required to perform the gymnastic feats in preparation for hand-to-hand combat (Colin and Shelia p 1). Gymnastics governing body Federation of International Gymnastics (FIG) was founded in the year 1881 and facilitated gymnastic competitions in the first Olympic Games in the 1896. Different types of exercises including some from the circus evolved with time and developed to form the current gymnastic moves that characterize the industry (Colin and Shelia p 1). Gymnastics nowadays is a major sporting activity wit thousands of participants from different countries. The most dominant countries include Japan, Russia, China, the US Romania, Germany, Hungary, and Italy.Advertising Looking for report on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The sport has over time continued to grow since its inception. For along time Japan produced the world’s best gymnast only to be overtaken by Russia and China ad the US. Participation of the sports is almost presented in all major competitions including the Olympic, All Africa games, European championships, Pan-American games, common wealth games, and Asian games. In the countries mentioned a bove the sport is well developed and in some cases like the US it has been integrated into the education curriculum In the US for instance there are over 5000 gymnastics clubs with an estimated membership that tops 100,000. Some of the equipments used in gymnastics include chalks, mats, braces, and apparatus. Others are balance beams, pommel horse and vaulting table. Gymnastics is performed by both men and women especially of all ages (Verrow. et al 40). Consumers Considering gymnastics is part of sports entertainment, there are passive consumers who mainly make up the fan base of gymnastic enthusiasts. These groups of consumers are involved in gymnastic events for fun. They mainly consume in a business sense display gymnastics normally performed by groups of athletes numbering 6- 150. These athletes perform highly synchronized moves that are choreographed to easily followed routines (Verrow. et al 46). One of the world’s most famous gymnastic events performed by gymnasts for casual consumers if the World Gymnaestrada. Gymnastics also perform in circuses like the MonteCarlo circus for passive consumers. They mainly attend gymnastic events to enjoy gymnastic events as performed by professional gymnasts. The kind of activities these consumers enjoy are laced with acrobatic and balance moves. Besides the casual consumers of gymnastics describes above, there are core consumers of gymnastics that engage in gymnastics especially for sports. They include aerobic gymnast popular in sports. Aerobic gymnastics involves routine performances by individuals normally in pairs or trio. The performances emphasize flexibility, strength, and fitness. It is important to note that this form of gymnastic does not involve acrobatics and balance. Many sports teams in different categories such as soccer, American football, and athletics employ these kinds of gymnastics in their trainings (Conrad 87). Demand Gymnastics is a young sport in terms of consumption and market penetra tion. Participation is concentrated in pockets inconsistently distributed in the world. Only a handful of countries mentioned earlier have fully developed gymnastic sports ventures. As its popularity grows especially with the entry of the Chinese into the competitive club of gymnastics, the demand for the sporting event is growing steadily.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Gymnastics Market Profile specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More One of the factors that have led to the unprecedented growth of gymnastics is the advancement in technology. The Chinese especially are on record as having finely fused the Japans and Russian styles of gymnastics to produce unique Chinese moves. They have been able to achieve this though technology (Conrad 87). Popularity of the sport in the US has led to growth in demand of the coaches. As result, the country has contracted the services of coaches from traditionally gymnastic powerhouses such as Russia, Japan, and Europe. Many colleges and universities due to growing demand have incorporated gymnastics into their curriculums in order to satisfy the demand. However, some experts point to a discouraging trend in the sport. There has been failure to develop new performed elements in the last decade. Jozsa says that the number of new elements developed between 1994 to 1999 is less than the new elements developed between 1987 and 1993. The experts blame the lack of development in bad judgment and lack of creativity in the sport (68). Future Prospects Considering the sport is not saturated like say soccer, there is potential fro growth in the next ten 5-10 years. According to Rosner, there is a new code in the judgment and evaluation of gymnastics that has discouraged innovation effectively hampering the development of new elements (38). He further says that the new code has discouraged creativity because coaches and gymnagists don’t see the values of developing ne w elements. If the trend continues, the sport is likely to be monotonous and risks losing its entertainment value. The future of gymnastics is bright and there is likely to be significant growth in the next 5-10 years but, only if the sports leaders adhere to the following; development of new performance elements, assessing the difficulty of the elements and emphasis on the originality of the elements performed. The last point included connections and routine construction. Additionally there needs to major investment in the sport considering the equipment used are capital intensive. The field of competition will also need to be expanded in the next decade for its participation and fan base to equal other major sports. That way gymnastics is assured of growth. Colin, Blakemore and Shelia, Jennett. Gymnastics. The Oxford Companion to the Body. 2001. Encyclopedia.com. 19 Jul. 2011 https://www.encyclopedia.com/Advertising Looking for report on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Conrad, Mark. The Business of Sports: A Primer for Journalists. Burlington: InfoBase Publishers, 2010. Jozsa, Frank. Big sports, big business: a century of league expansions, mergers. London: Routledge, 2006. Print. Rosner, Scott and Shropshire, Kenneth. The business of sports. New York: Routledge, 2004. Verrow, Row. et al.Sports business: law, practice and precedents. New York: Sage Publishers, 2005. Print.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Biography of Thomas Adams, American Inventor

Biography of Thomas Adams, American Inventor Thomas Adams (May 4, 1818–February 7, 1905) was an American inventor. In 1871, he patented a machine that could mass produce chewing gum from chicle. Adams later worked with businessman William Wrigley, Jr. to establish the American Chicle Company, which experienced great success in the chewing gum industry. Fast Facts: Thomas Adams Known For: Adams was an American inventor who founded the chewing gum industry.Born: May 4, 1818 in New York CityDied: February 7, 1905 in New York City Early Life Thomas Adams was born on May 4, 1818, in New York City. There is little recorded information about his early life; however, it is known that he dabbled in various trades- including glassmaking- before eventually becoming a photographer. Experiments With Chicle During the 1850s, Adams was living in New York and working as a secretary for Antonio de Santa Anna. The Mexican general was in exile, living with Adams in his Staten Island home. Adams noticed that Santa Anna liked to chew the gum of the Manilkara tree, which was known as chicle. Such natural products had been used as chewing gum for thousands of years by groups such as the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Aztecs. In North America, chewing gum had long been used by Native Americans, from whom British settlers eventually adopted the practice. Later, businessman and inventor John B. Curtis became the first person to sell gum commercially. His gum was made from sweetened paraffin wax. It was Santa Anna who suggested that the unsuccessful but inventive photographer Adams experiment with chicle from Mexico. Santa Anna felt that chicle could be used to make a synthetic rubber tire. Santa Anna had friends in Mexico who would be able to supply the product cheaply to Adams. Before making chewing gum, Thomas Adams first tried to turn chicle into synthetic rubber products. At the time, natural rubber was expensive; a synthetic alternative would have been extremely useful to many manufacturers and would have guaranteed its inventor great wealth. Adams attempted to make toys, masks, rain boots, and bicycle tires out of the chicle from Mexican sapodilla trees, but every experiment failed. Adams became disheartened by his failure to use chicle as a rubber substitute. He felt he had wasted about a years worth of work. One day, Adams noticed a girl buying White Mountain paraffin wax chewing gum for a penny at the corner drugstore. He recalled that chicle was used as chewing gum in Mexico and thought this would be a way to use his surplus chicle. According to a 1944 speech given by Adams grandson Horatio at a banquet for the American Chicle Company, Adams proposed to prepare an experimental batch, which the pharmacist at the drugstore agreed to sample. Adams came home from the meeting and told his son Thomas Jr. about his idea. His son, excited by the proposition, suggested that the two manufacture several boxes of chicle chewing gum and give the product a name and a label. Thomas Jr. was a salesman (he sold tailoring supplies and sometimes traveled as far west as the Mississippi River), and he offered to take the chewing gum on his next trip to see if he could sell it. Chewing Gum In 1869, Adams was inspired to turn his surplus stock into chewing gum by adding flavoring to the chicle. Shortly after, he opened the worlds first chewing gum factory. In February 1871, Adams New York Gum went on sale in drug stores for a penny a piece. The gumballs came in wrappers of different colors in a box with a picture of New Yorks City Hall on the cover. The venture was such a success that Adams was driven to design a machine that could mass-produce the gum, allowing him to fill larger orders. He received a patent for this device in 1871. According to The Encyclopedia of New York City, Adams sold his original gum  with the slogan Adams New York Gum No. 1 - Snapping and Stretching.  In 1888, a new Adams chewing gum called Tutti-Frutti became the first gum to be sold in a  vending machine. The machines were located in New York City subway stations and also sold other varieties of Adams gum.  Adams products proved to be very popular, much more so than the existing gum products on the market, and he quickly dominated his competitors. His company debuted Black Jack (a licorice-flavored gum) in 1884 and Chiclets (named after chicle) in 1899. Adams merged his company with other gum manufacturers from the United States and Canada in 1899 to form the American Chicle Company, of which he was the first chairman. Other companies that merged into it included W.J. White and Son, Beeman Chemical Company, Kisme Gum, and S.T. Briton. The rising popularity of chewing gum in the decades that followed led scientists to develop new synthetic versions; nevertheless, some old-fashioned chicle varieties are still manufactured and sold today. Death Adams eventually stepped down from his leadership position at the American Chicle Company, though he remained on the board of directors into his late 80s. He died on February 7, 1905, in New York. Legacy Adams was not the inventor of chewing gum. Nevertheless, his invention of a device for mass producing chewing gum, along with his efforts to promote it, gave birth to the chewing gum industry in the United States. One of his products- Chiclets, first introduced in 1900- is still sold around the world today. In 2018, chewing gum sales totaled about $4 billion in the United States. The American Chicle Company was purchased by a pharmaceutical company in 1962. In 1997, the company was renamed Adams in honor of its founder; it is currently owned by the confectionery conglomerate Cadbury, which is based in England. Sources Dulken, Stephen Van.  American Inventions: a History of Curious, Extraordinary, and Just Plain Useful Patents. New York University Press, 2004.McCarthy, Meghan.  Pop!: The Invention of Bubble Gum. Simon Schuster, 2010.Segrave, Kerry.  Chewing Gum in America, 1850-1920: the Rise of an Industry. McFarland Co., 2015.

Sunday, November 3, 2019


HOW TO IMPROVE SECURITY IN THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION(EXECUTIVE SUMMARY) - Article Example Locks and alarm on doors and windows should be fixed. Children suffering from autism and Alzheimer’s disease should be supplied with tracking devices and ID bracelets for automatic trace of them whenever they leave the school compound. Moreover, family emergency plans should be employed in monitoring of students. A student drowned to death in the presence of a teacher and a supervisor. The death of Avonte led to several questions of how the schools administrations are poor in that they have no full responsibility of students. They should always know the whereabouts of all their students wherever within the compound. In the case of our student, the boy got out through the gate of Long Island City School despite the presence of a security officer. The teachers were around the school, but they find out that the boy was missing. All they claimed was that none had the password for the live cameras a statement that seemed funny indicating how irresponsible the administration was. To worsen the case, his parents had talked with the Paraprofessionals that the boy was suffering from autism information that was not shared. The findings revealed that many schools in NYC have inadequate staff and resources making it impossible to monitor all the students. Insufficient number of special instructors such as school aiders and paraprofessionals’ has contributed to increasing in insecurity in schools. Staff should wear uniforms for identification and distinction between visitors. School doors should always be locked. Parents and staff should have a good association in sharing vital information about the students. The neighbours should be vigilant and report any abnormal issues to the school authority to increase security. Adoption of technology seems to be the only option that could have helped in improving security within the school. The plan is expensive, but it will give long term service. However, it is a one-time